505 Olive St.


Before repair value - $275,000 

Repair budget - $34,000 

Sold Price - $325,000 

Here is an amazing success story from using our FixNlist program. Our client was in a tricky position where they needed to sell their home and move out of state but the home needed updates and repairs in order for the seller to get top dollar. The seller also needed the money first in order to move. So we got creative and created a solution that could allow the seller to move out of state and bring our team in to make all the repairs and updates that were needed. We would then list and successfully sell the property for top dollar. Seller told us we saved her life and did what no one else was willing to do. We do what we love and we are true experts.

Hear the details about this project from Steve himself:


Are you looking for ways to earn more money from the sale of your home? Connect with us to discuss which option is best for you.